My name is Linus Åkesson, though some of you may know me as lft. I live in Lund, Sweden, and work as a software engineer. I dabble in many different areas. My blog is bilingual (swedish).
Mainly IT and software talk, with some personal opinion pieces on tech from time to time
I write a blog about deep learning and everything else that I'm in the process of learning.
I'm a cyber security professional and privacy advocate from North West England. I enjoy FOSS, drawing, motorbikes, and fishkeeping.
I’m a software developer. I live in Montreal. I sometimes give talks. Most of my income comes from my programming zines business Wizard Zines.
Software, projects & software projects. I write about personal projects and about things I learned at my job as a data engineer.
I'm an Entreprenuer turned accidental Product Manager writing about all things Startups, Product Management, Philosophy & Life
I figure some people might be interested in the projects I make from time to time, or the solution to problems I have, so I publish them.
I write about psychology, statistics, and technology; I am best known for work on the darknet markets & Bitcoin, blinded self-experiments & Quantified Self analyses, dual n-back & spaced repetition, and modafinil.
I write about Software Infrastructure and Machine Learning Research
Non-technical advice to navigate your programming career.
I am a designer. I design experiences, opportunities, careers, teams, products, and organizations.
Tech, Cooking, Linugistics, Programming language theory and more
I am a computer science and engineering professor at SUNY Buffalo. I work on distributed systems, distributed consensus, and cloud computing.
A blog about wonky thinks like collapsing government, some opinions, quantum mechanics and computing.
Delivering you the daily annoyances you didn't ask for.
My journey into biosemiotics 🌻, xenolingustics 👽 and emacs 🐄
I share my advice and lessons learned. I also share other things that I care about, think about and work on.
How Software is changing the world of Business rapidly and thoughts on uncovering new trends.
Tutorials, Tips and Tricks for Developers and Data Scientists.
I live in San Francisco and work at Stripe. I grew up in Ireland and previously studied math at MIT. I am on the boards of Stripe and the Long Now Foundation. (The long-term is underrated!)
Tim writes about his psychological shortcomings. Andrew writes about the business side. Alicia is the manager.
Whenever I evaluate a technology stack for microservice architecture viability, I implement the same feature identical polyglot persistent microservice then run it through the same load test as all the others. In that way, I can compare and contrast these various technology stacks. I blog about the results here.
Lisp wizard and an investor. You should probably just google me.
Personal blog about my challenges in the space of software engineering and networking. Mostly focused nowadays on continuous integration and delivery.
I'm mostly a JavaScript developer who also has an interest in retro game tech. I tend to combine the two in various ways, such as modern web based tools for old game consoles.
I've been blogging about anything that takes me since 2007. Now it's mostly movies, books and the occasional tech guide.
I'm a software engineer and I enjoy teaching people about code! I write about code, my side projects, and the rest of my life too.
Ribbonfarm is a longform blog devoted to unusual takes on both familiar and new themes. It was founded in 2007 by Venkatesh Rao, who serves as Editor-in-Chief
I became financially independent at 30 and retired at 33. I blog about how to retire extremely early. A combination of simple living, anticonsumerism, DIY ethics, self-reliance, resilience, and applied capitalism
Academic / research software developer who blogs about personal musings, science and technology.
absorptions is a blog about my hobbies. So far it's mostly about signals, electronics and programming, but may pick up a random new field at any point. It's a place for me to direct my need to talk nerdy. Why? I like the smell of unsolved mysteries. Call them obsessions or special interests; I call them absorptions.
This blog began in 2003 as a personal online journal; in the past few years it became mostly an outlet for technical, programming-related posts. It's my way to document things I find interesting for my future self.
Telling stories about the programming world one statement at a time
Marginal Revolution is the blog of Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, both of whom teach at George Mason University. MR began in August of 2003 and there have been new posts daily since that time. In numerous reviews and ratings over the years Marginal Revolution has consistently been ranked as the best or one of the best economic blogs on the web, but it is more (and less) than that, also representing the quirks of its authors.
This is where I write about programming-related stuff. I try to keep it technical, and tend to focus on C++ and Python, but these aren’t strict rules. You could say the main theme throughout this blog is a reverence and fascination for programming.
I shall dedicate myself to the interests of the country in life and death irrespective of personal weal and woe
Writing topics around Linux, minimal software, and Go.
Writing about humans, robots, and policy from an Indian startup founder, screenwriter, and recovering academic.
Blog about Data Engineering, Data Platform, Data Visualization and Web Development
A blog of personal quality — I am a passionate software developer specialized in Ember.js, JavaScript, and Ruby. I dabble in Photography, 360 panoramic tours, interactive fiction, and geek culture.
I’m a researcher with background in Economics, Mathematics, and Cognitive Science. My biggest intellectual influences are Scott Alexander and Gwern. Right now, I think about meta-science, biology, and philanthropy. My long-term goal is to make the future humane, aesthetic, and to make it happen faster.
Designer, developer, and marketer trying to do work that matters for people who care.
This is Joel on Software, where I’ve been ranting about software development, management, business, and the Internet since 2000. In 2000 I co-founded Fog Creek Software, where we created lots of cool things like the FogBugz bug tracker, Trello, and Glitch. I also worked with Jeff Atwood to create Stack Overflow and served as CEO of Stack Overflow from 2010-2019.
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